Sunday, August 29, 2010

AFI Top 100

  Over the past year or two, I've been made painfully aware of just how many movies I should have seen, but haven't.  This is pretty ridiculous for someone with the aspirations that I've got, so to rectify this and to expand my cinematic IQ, I've decided to go through the AFI Top 100.    Here are the movies I've watched so far

- Citizen Kane
- The Godfather
- Schindler's List
- Star Wars
- Chinatown
- Apocalypse Now
- The Godfather Part 2
- North by Northwest
- A Clockwork Orange
- Taxi Driver
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (saw this one for the first time in its entirety today)
- The Silence of the Lambs
- Pulp Fiction

I also saw Yojimbo Sanjuro, and the Seven Samurai which I feel should be mentioned as part of a list that all storytellers should see.  A few of those movies I had seen before, but the majority of them are all new to me.  I think it's interesting that the film I enjoyed the LEAST out of that list was Raiders of the Lost Ark, which I'm sure must be blasphemous to a lot of people.

I think I'm going to have to go back and watch a lot of these movies a second time to try to take them apart and do my best to analyze them.

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